Seaside and Beach Archives - Peter MacDonald Photo Spectacular pictures by Peter MacDonald, capturing the essence of the Flinders Ranges and outback South Australia. Sat, 05 Oct 2024 01:35:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Jetty Sat, 05 Oct 2024 01:35:52 +0000

The jetty at my place is sort of the centre of the 2 kilometre radius that I’m primarily concentrating on.

The Mundoo channel is a highway for boats and fishermen. They’re out mainly for Mulloway and Coorong Mullet in the surrounding waterways. There’s a busy boat ramp a few hundred yards up the channel.

Fishermen are always looking for the information about where the fish are biting and my friend @simoncardonefishes on the right is always looking for the latest information.

Simon is often  fishing the state’s waterway and his tips are regularly posted on Tackle World’s website and his articles appear in the  Fishing SA magazine.



Two Rocks Thu, 28 Jan 2021 20:00:06 +0000


Photography is an interesting pursuit. The bottom line though is an observation which brings me to this picture of two rocks or as I see it, father and son.

Probably a thousand people or more walk past here every week and I wonder if any see it like this or just two rocks in a bunch of others.

Port Eliot on the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia.

The image is one of the features in my gallery that is located at 76 Mundoo Channel Drive, Hindmarsh Island, South Australia. Open this weekend Saturday and Sunday 11am-3pm.

The Dead of Night Thu, 10 Dec 2020 20:00:53 +0000

Murray Mouth
Through storm, wind and rain the iron lady continues her task of keeping the waters flowing through the small outlet that is the Murray Mouth. Without the dredge that shifting sand would close the gap casing major ecological damage to the surrounding area and fisheries.

The image is one of the features in my gallery that is located at 76 Mundoo Channel Drive, Hindmarsh Island, South Australia. Open this weekend Saturday and Sunday 11am-3pm.

Cygnets Thu, 03 Dec 2020 20:00:29 +0000


Picture book image of mother swan and her young chicks along the Mundoo Channel.

Most of the year there are swans in the waters around here but in Spring the young cygnets are new arrivals protected by their two parents against the strong winds and violent storms that come with the season.
