Brachina Gorge Archives - Peter MacDonald Photo Spectacular pictures by Peter MacDonald, capturing the essence of the Flinders Ranges and outback South Australia. Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:31:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Disappearing Acts – Brachina Gorge Wed, 12 Oct 2011 20:52:25 +0000

Creeks in the Flinders Ranges can be deceptive. Sometimes they flow on the surface, then disappear, only to resurface again somewhere downstream.

The Brachina Creek, which flows through Brachina Gorge in the central Flinders Ranges is a case in point.

Here the stream is flowing quite strongly, only to disappear underground a few metres behind me.

Brachina Gorge is well known for it’s towering rock faces. In the foreground the many sedimentary layers which make up this part of the ranges can be clearly seen.

The layers cover geological activity spanning hundreds of millions of years.
