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I am not likely to become a street photographer unless there is a big life-style change in the wind but some tips I learned at the Adam Marelli workshop in Matera came in handy.

Paris Couple

Even by Paris standards this couple were a standout.. I have no idea of who they were or their history even though my curiosity has been high ever since.

I spotted them walking along the Boulevard Saint Germaine…..several light years away from a K-Mart shopping experience…so I am pretty sure this was not a fancy dress get up.

So how to get a photograph?

The couple stopped for refreshments at a street-side cafe but still no opportunity. However when they continued their majestic stroll along the boulevard I moved some way ahead of them and just waited until they moved into the picture. A little forward planning worked wonders.

Paris Couple 2

The shot from behind illustrated the luxury of Madame’s flowing cape.

The other striking thing about them was the total lack of expression on either of their faces.

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • zek says:

    Peter, hope you’re not thinking of leaving the mighty Flinders!

    • Peter MacDonald says:

      Hi Zek. No I am not thinking of leaving the Flinders. It is my home after all.

  • zek says:

    Oh, that’s great Peter. I am religiously checking your blog every day for new photos from my favorite place in Aus. Your photos are absolutely stunning.