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Frome Islands
Fresh rainwater surrounding islands of pristine white salt…so beautiful.
Unable to get to Lake Eyre after some very heavy rainfalls a couple of months back the opportunity to fly over Lake Frome in South Australia’s vast outback was something of a surprise.
After all the images of Lake Eyre that have been posted here previously, it would easy to think, just another desert salt lake. Not so.
The Salt Lake project continues…..

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  • Jillian Crick says:

    Love it Peter. The patterns and colours. Thank you

  • john maitland says:

    The blues are incredible – reflection + salt?
    The purple in the foreground suggests a mix of the blue and what is often in salt – pink!
    A beautiful piece Peter.
    Thanks again, and again….

    • Peter MacDonald says:

      John. It was a bit of a surprise to see purple rather than pink algae in the water…so different to Lake Eyre. I was lucky to get the water while it was still fresh…two days later the algae was taking over. I am glad you enjoyed the photo. Best-Peter